Ana I. Moreno is a Tenured Senior Lecturer in English Philology at the University of León (Spain), where she teaches English language at undergraduate level and discourse analysis and pragmatics to graduate students. Her publications are mostly in the area of English for Academic Purposes, Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse Analysis from an applied perspective and have appeared in such journals as TEXT, IJES, JEAP, ESP and Text&Talk. She is the Director of the ENEIDA (Spanish National Team for Intercultural Studies on Academic Discourse) Research Group, which is currently developing a research project on the “rhetorical strategies to get research published in international scientific journals from a Spanish-English intercultural perspective”, funded by the Spanish National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (2010-2012).

Other publications

Moreno, Ana I. (2012). Introduction to the Spanish team for Intercultural Studies of Academic Discourse (ENEIDA) project and research group. URL: [25/07/2012] Moreno, Ana I., Rey-Rocha, Jesús, Burgess, Sally, López-Navarro, Irene, Garzón, Belén and Sachdev, Itesh (2012). Identifying Spanish researchers’ … Sigue leyendo

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Contact details

Ana I. Moreno Departamento de Filología Moderna Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de León Campus de Vegazana, s/n 24071 León Spain E-mail:

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Recorded paper presentation by Ana at international conference

The following paper presentation given by Ana Moreno at the international InterLAE Conference in JACA (2008) got recorded for a research project. It represents her first move, in collaboration with Lorena Suárez, from from what she calls Crosscultural Academic Discourse Analysis (CADA) towards Intercultural Academic Discourse Analysis (IADA), … Sigue leyendo

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ENEIDA Research Group

In 2008 Ana Moreno initiated discussions with researchers with supplementary and/or similar research concerns from another four Spanish institutions (Jesús Rey Rocha and Ramón Rodríguez from the CSIC, Sally Burgess and Pedro Martín from Universidad de La Laguna, Mª Lluisa Gea Valor from Jaume … Sigue leyendo

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Invited presentations and (unpublished) panel discussions

Moreno, Ana I. (2012). Spanish researchers’ perceived difficulties writing research articles for publication in English-medium journals: the impact of language proficiency versus publication experience. ICLASP 13 Conference. Friesland, The Netherlands, 20-23/06/2012. Moreno, Ana I. (2012). Creating a large-scale database of … Sigue leyendo

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Research groups

Director of the ENEIDA Group (Spanish Team for Intercultural Studies on Academic Discourse). The University of León in collaboration with The University of La Laguna, The University of Zaragoza, Jaume I University, Spanish National Research Council, The University of Michigan, … Sigue leyendo

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Conference proceedings

Moreno, Ana I. (2011). Evaluation across reviewing writing cultures: writers’ intrusion into the expression of critical comments on academic books under review. International Workshop on the Evaluative Function of Language: Evaluation across Text Types and Cultures. UNED, Madrid, Spain, 6-8/10/2011. … Sigue leyendo

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Research projects

2010-2012 Rhetorical Strategies to Get Published in International Scientific Journals from an Intercultural Spanish-English Perspective (I), financed by the Spanish government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN). Dirección General de Investigación y Gestión del Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Ref. FFI2009-08336) … Sigue leyendo

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Moreno, A.I. & Colwell, V. (eds.) (2001). Perspectivas Recientes sobre el Discurso / Recent Perspectives on Discourse. Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada) / Secretariado de Publicaciones y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de León. León: Universidad de León. Moreno, A.I. … Sigue leyendo

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Refereed book chapters

Moreno, A. I. (forthcoming, 2012). Intercultural Rhetoric in Language for Specific Purposes. In Chapelle, C.A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Moreno, A. I. & Suárez, L, (2011). Academic book reviews of literature in English and Spanish: … Sigue leyendo

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