The Vicerectory of Research tof he University of Leon has opened the call for 2015 Summer Residential Program on ULE’s Research Group. This program is aimed at university of Le贸n students of first and second cycle and has as goals the introduction of these students into research, collaborating during the summer months with research groups at the University .
Each research group of the Departments or Research Institutes may offer up to two positions for students that wishing to work with them during the months of July to September.
The total number of students who may benefit of the program will be adjusted to the offer of the research groups. Subject to budgetary availability, the program will include financial support for students, who will be selected based on their academic records.
We encouragement to contact us those students who are interested in collaborating with Edutools.
Acerca de Baelo
Director del Grupo Interuniversitario de Investigaci贸n Educativa Edutools, adscrito a la Universidad de Le贸n.
Doctor en Psicolog铆a y Ciencias de la Educaci贸n, desempe帽a su labor profesional dentro del Departamento de Did谩ctica General, Espec铆ficas y Teor铆a de la Educaci贸n de la Universidad de Le贸n.
Su actividad docente se vincula a materias relacionadas con el desarrollo de propuestas de innovaci贸n metodol贸gica y la consecuci贸n de la equidad educativa a trav茅s de la utilizaci贸n de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC).
Sus principales l铆neas de investigaci贸n se relacionan con la evaluaci贸n de la integraci贸n de las TIC en la educaci贸n con la finalidad de alcanzar un educaci贸n de calidad y equitativa (recursos educativos, pr谩cticas inclusivas, orientaci贸n y metodol贸gicas activas de aprendizaje, etc). Forma parte de diferentes comit茅s editoriales y act煤a como revisor en revistas nacionales e internacionales. Su actividad investigadora ha sido valorada positivamente con un tramo de investigaci贸n (sexenio) por parte de la CNEAI.
Esta entrada ha sido publicada en
Fellowship y etiquetada como
unileon. Guarda el
enlace permanente.